KKN Di Desa Penari, FACT OR MYTH?
Hi, This time I want to discuss about the research I have done according to the trend that is being hotly talked about by netizens. Can be seen from the title of the blog, I want to discuss the truth of the Indonesian film KKN Di Desa Penari. KKN means Kerja Kuliah Nyata in Desa Penari is inspired by a true story and written by the user of the Twitter account @SimpleM81378523 who made it threaded on June 24 to July 25, 2019. Poster from Film "KKN Di Desa Penari" On this topic I want to discuss about: Short Chronology of KKN Stories. Place of Occurrence. Lessons to be learned. Short Chronology of KKN Stories Let's start from the summary of the story where the abbreviation of this story is related to 6 students who did KKN in a remote village and it is mentioned that the incident happened in 2009 (according to other sources there is also a saying that this incident took place in the 90s) and took the lives of 2 students who participated in the KKN. KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata...